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Sydney Doctors

Family Planning Sydney CBD

Pregnancy & Family Planning

Pregnancy planning could be one of the most exciting parts in your life. However, preparing your body for pregnancy could take a few months or more. There are a lot of factors to consider when planning for a pregnancy in order to achieve healthy outcomes for both you and your baby.  Regardless whether this is your first or second  pregnancy, it is advisable to seek the help of your GP before conceiving. 

Preconception health care includes but is not limited to the following: 

  • Medical Conditions 
  • Lifestyle and Behaviours 
  • Recommended Tests 
  • Vaccinations, Medications, Supplements
  • Mental and Physical Wellbeing

GPs who specialise in Women’s Health

Dr. Karina Lim

Dr Karina Lim

Dr. Sue Carr

Dr Sue Carr

Dr Vasantha Sabapathy

Shared Care Pregnancy

A shared care arrangement refers to a partnership between yourself, a GP and a hospital or other birthing facility. You will have some prenatal appointments with your doctor along with the hospital in the early and late stages of your pregnancy.

In Australia, GPs who offer shared care services are required to undertake specialised training and qualifications as well as agreements with hospitals.

An advantage of shared care is that you can receive your prenatal and postnatal care from a GP who knows your family history and is near your home or workplace! It’s a convenient and comfortable option with a familiar and highly trained specialist.

GPs who specialises in Shared Care

Dr. Karina Lim

Dr Karina Lim

Dr. Shuo Zhao

Dr Shuo Zhao

Accredited Hospitals
