If schools are closed and you little ones are sick we are here to help you through Child Telehealth Phone Consults.
At Sydney Doctors are able give you advice about your child, and where appropriate, prescription medication, medical certificates, pathology requests and referrals. As well as advise if your child needs to be seen in person. Our GPs will Bulk Bill all that can be during this time.
Book online for a Childs Health Phone Consult
You can book online or call 9233 3399 us to get advice.
At this time, the governments offer for a Medicare rebate for phone consultations has been activated, our GPs will Bulk Bill all that can be during this time. As such, the GPs have agreed to provide this service at the same cost as an in-clinic consult $90 if you do not meet the criteria or do not have medicare.
What is a Phone consultation?
A Phone Consultation is when the Doctors of your choice gives you a call and you let them know your concerns. We can also arrange images to be sent through also as well as video consultation . Consultations can focus on children of any age, including newborns and before baby is born.
How long does a consultation last?
Sydney Doctors Phone consultations are 15 minutes, yet we can make time if you need more time with your doctors. We will be in touch with the advise that your doctor has advised and with a follow-up of results if required.
At Sydney Doctors we are committed to helping our community through the COVID 19 outbreak. Read about how to access Telehealth