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Sydney Doctors

Travel Medicine

Travel Medicine

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It is important to get up to date health information to help you combat the potential health hazards that come with traveling. Our doctors provide travel health advice to assist you in getting the necessary vaccination to stay safe.

We are a Yellow Fever Vaccination Accredited Center. We offer a range of vaccinations. malaria tablets and medical kits. The Products we have include:

  • Tetanus / Diphtheria / Pertussis (whooping Cough)
  • Yellow Fever
  • Polio
  • MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella)
  • Varicella (chicken pox)
  • Influenza
  • Pneumonia
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Meningitis
  • Cholera
  • Malaria tablets
  • Altitude sickness Tablets
  • Medical / gastro Kits

We recommend patients make an appointment well before their intended travel date to allow sufficient time for immunisation. However, if you do nee to travel at short notice, we offer accelerated immunisation programs.


The Department of health Advises:

Travel Health Information

  • Before you leave, it is important to research every country you will visit, and to get advice that is tailored to your health needs. The risk of acquiring an infection and the appropriate preventative measures can be different for older travellers, children, pregnant women or those with underlying chronic diseases.
  • While you are away, there are some things you need to keep in mind to prevent illness, like preventing insect bites and being careful of what you eat.
  • When you return, keep an eye on your health. Some diseases may not become apparent until you have returned home and could spread to your loved ones.

What should you do to protect yourself from infectious diseases while overseas?

Before you leave

1. Research your destination and planned activities

The risk of infectious disease differs greatly depending on where you intend to travel and what activities you plan to undertake while overseas. In particular consider:

  • Will you be travelling to countries in which food or water quality might be of a lower standard?
    • Contaminated food and water can increase the risk of acquiring infections such as gastroenteritis, hepatitis A and some parasites.
  • Will you be travelling to wilderness or rural areas where you are likely to be exposed to farm animals or wildlife?
    • Animals in many parts of the world may carry rabies. Diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes are a risk in wilderness areas of many parts of the world unless preventative measures are taken.
  • Will you be spending a lot of time outdoors where you might be exposed to mosquitoes?
    • Mosquitoes can carry serious diseases including malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever.

Information on the health risks associated with many destinations can be found online at:

We also suggest you get in touch with the foreign missions of all of the countries you intend to visit or transit through. They can give you specific information about particular health requirements in their countries (e.g. vaccines you may need or medicines you should bring with you). They can also provide you with other information about their country that you could find useful or important.

2. See a doctor well in advance before you leave – even if you are well

Your doctor can advise you on measures which can be taken to avoid infectious diseases to which you might be exposed while overseas. This might include measures to avoid consuming potentially contaminated water or food, medication to reduce the risk of acquiring infections or vaccination against serious disease.

Call 02 9233 3399 or book online at Sydney Doctors

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