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Sydney Doctors

DAILY COVID-19 REPORT 31 March 2020

As at 3pm on 31 March 2020, there have been 4,557 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Australia. There have been 312 new cases since 3pm yesterday.

Yesterday, Monday, March 30 there were 2,032 confirmed cases. There was 114 new cases over that 24 hour period.

Today, of the 4,557 confirmed cases in Australia, 19 have died from COVID-19. More than 244,000 tests have been conducted across Australia.

Location Confirmed cases*

Australian Capital Territory 80

New South Wales 2,032

Northern Territory 16

Queensland 743

South Australia 337

Tasmania 68

Victoria 917

Western Australia 364

Total** 4,557


Latest NSW Health COVID-19 statistics and information

The Australian Government has partnered with private health sector to secure 30,000 hospital beds and 105,000 nurses to help tackle COVID-19. Click here for more information.


Global toll is now almost 700,000 cases and more than 33,000 deaths

Sydney Doctors COVID-19 Response

To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and to ensure that Sydney Doctors can continue to provide medical services to the best of our ability, we are offering General Medical Phone Consults and COVID 19 Phone Consults.

All Telehealth Phone Consults are Bulk Billed under Medicare From 30 March with a Medicare card. We can offer non Medicare Telehealth Phone Consults also. 

We are still are seeing patients in our clinic that answer ‘NO’ to the following questions:

  1. Do you have respiratory symptoms? eg. sore throat, cough, runny nose, fever.

 (If you feel short of breath at rest or have difficulty breathing, please call 000)

  1. Have you returned from an overseas trip (ANY country) within the last 14 days?
  2. Are you concerned that you may have COVID-19 or may have been exposed to COVID-19?

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