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Sydney Doctors

5 Ways to Make Needles Pain (Less)

No one likes getting vaccinated, or having blood drawn, but for some people, the fear of needles can be so intense that it can cause anxiety and even panic. If you’re needle-phobic, there are some things you can do to make the experience less painful and more tolerable. Here are 5 quick tips to help with your next encounter with needles.

1. Stay Calm

First, try to remain calm. It may sound easier said than done, but taking some deep breaths and focusing on something else besides the needle will help ease your anxiety. If you’re really thinking “‘My brain is going to melt out of my ears’ then it will, try not to think like that. If you’re thinking “I’m going to get through this” then you probably will, and so on.

2. Numb the Injection Site.

Another technique is to numb the area before the needle goes in. This way, there will be less pain when the needle actually punctures your skin. You can numb the area by using a topical anaesthetic cream or spray; just make sure to follow the directions on how long to leave it on before getting poked! And remember, do this before you come to see us. We follow a strict procedure and do not use this technique.

3. Distract Yourself

Another thing that can help is to distract yourself from what’s happening. Try to focus on other things, like a hobby or a favourite book or songs. Try thinking about something you’re looking forward to, like a future vacation. And of course, a great tip is not to watch what is going on. Look elsewhere, think good thoughts and you’ll be through and out the other side before you know it!

4. Relax Your Arm

For intramuscular injections such as vaccinations, this has to be the number one best technique to make injections as painless as possible. The trick is simply to completely relax your arm. The more tense your arm is, the more resistance you provide as the needle penetrates your body tissue — and that just equals more pain. So prior to your injection, rest your arm on a solid surface to keep it steady and allow it to become completely limp. You’ll find that it makes the world of difference.

5. Trust the Experts

Last but not the least, is to put your trust in the healthcare professionals. Being part of the medical industry requires an extensive amount of training. Knowing that your doctor or nurse is a skilled specialist should put your mind at ease! It is in their best interest to minimise your discomfort and provide you with a painless experience.  So listen and follow their recommendations. You may like to think of them as your ally — talk to them and be upfront about your worries, they can help calm your nerves and also share with you their best practices.

Aside from these points, an extra tip to you can do is consider how the benefits of getting vaccinated outweigh its disadvantages. The process will only last for a few seconds, but its effects will remain for longer periods of time! Build your immunity and stay healthy this winter. Click to book an appointment for your Flu Vaccine at Sydney Doctors today.  

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