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Ovarian Cancer

What is ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumour in one or both ovaries. While there are many types of ovarian cancer the three most common types of ovarian cancer are: the common epithelial type (90% of cases) that arises from the cells on the outside of the ovary;


Tinnitus Awareness Week

What is tinnitus? People with tinnitus experience sounds that aren’t actually being made around them. Tinnitus is sometimes known as ‘ringing in the ears’, but if you have the condition you might hear humming sounds, or hissing, whistling, clicking, roaring, whooshing or buzzing.  The noise can be faint or loud,


COVID-19 advice for parents, students and children

RrWatch for symptoms If your child is unwell – even with mild symptoms – you must keep them home and get them tested. If children have any symptoms, they should take a PCR (nose and throat swab) test or rapid antigen test (RAT). If symptoms continue your child should stay home and


Information for people exposed to COVID-19

How will I know if I have been exposed to COVID-19? As the number of people with COVID-19 increases, NSW Health is focusing on contacting people at highest risk of catching/contracting COVID-19. You may not receive a text message or call from NSW Health after being exposed to a person with

Reading is to the mind what exericise is to the body